‘Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.’
~ Oprah
One of the most important elements of law of attraction is to surround yourself with the energy of what you want and that is also important in terms of the people that you surround yourself with or spend most of your time around too.
You want people in your life that are going to encourage and support your dreams and goals. You don’t want to be spending you time having to explain or defend what you want in life and the steps that you are taking to accomplish them to people that want to shoot your ideas and dreams down.
As Tony Robbins says ‘Where focus goes energy flows’. If you are spending all of your time having to defend your goals or even worse, receiving ridicule for your dreams, this is where all of your energy is going to go. You won’t be focusing your time, energy and effort on where it needs to go; which is on your dreams and the steps that you need to take to get you there. Your time and energy will be wasted on people that just don’t understand you or don’t have goals or dreams of their own.
You want to be surrounded by people that will help encourage you to push harder, to step outside of your comfort zone, people that will cheer you on and encourage you to be all that you can be and celebrate your success along the way.
The more that you surround yourself with like-minded people, the more confident you will feel in accomplishing your dreams.